DES 330T
Data visualization affords us to visually make sense of the world, profoundly shaping how we might relate to it. With this in mind, this course offers an introduction to the art of designing visual form with data. Students will both learn to create data visualizations and how to frame and interrogate their politics and ethics.
For full participation points, be a present and active presence in class. Also, at the end of every class, you’ll turn in sketchnotes (a picture is fine) in the class’ Google Drive (link on Canvas). (25% of your grade)
(sketchnotes are visually driven notes, done on paper)
Each week, we’ll complete a small project comprised of a worksheet and (usually) a code component, due weekly. Code should implement the visualization methods covered in class. Accompanying worksheets should be fully and thoughtfully filled in, contain a link to your code, and turned in via Google Drive. (50% of your grade) .
Note that some workshops don’t have a code component.
Required Devices: A laptop and a device that can take digital pictures (a phone is okay) are required. You are required to bring laptops (with a mouse and headphones, if possible) and required materials to class everyday--especially if attending in-person.
Required materials: