Create a speculative notification system that creates a critical conversation about how interfaces guide our attention. Specifically, create an interface that teaches the class about the main arguments in your reading.
- choose a reading from the below list and create a speculative notification system that embodies its arguments / themes.
- build it in html + css + javascript. It doesn’t have to be interactive, it can just be plain html.
- include a 3-5 paragraph write-up. The write up should create a particular kind of conversation. You should print out this write up to display with your piece.
- your design should not include anything other than a notification system design (such as an icon with a number, etc.). do not design a whole app! Focus on the mechanics of the interface.
- I strongly encourage you to embrace formats beyond the standard icon + number paradigm. Play with the expressiveness of things like sound, notification badge design (on mobile), segmented displays, etc.
Reading list
- How to Do Nothing, Chapter: “Exercises in Attention”
- Twittering Machine, Chapter 2: “We are all Addicts”
- Antisocial Media, Introduction: “The Problem with Facebook Is Facebook”
Before class, your team should pick a reading and read it in preparation for class. (you’ll be quizzed)
During class, we will walk through how to build a basic html interface, specific to the requirements of the assignment.
Then you’ll work with your partner to develop a concept and begin building the interface and creating your write-up.
November 10th and 15th
Workday to prepare! In-class help provided by Cat.
December 1st
At the beginning of class, we’ll do a “gallery walk” of your completed interfaces.